The Movie "Kozhipannai Chelladurai (Tamil)" released on 2024-09-20 in . Let's Watch and Dive into the Movie "Kozhipannai Chelladurai (Tamil)" for the next 122 minutes. on TamilYogi, You can access and Enjoy a wide selection of Tamil pictures online for free. Stay tuned for further updates and new releases!
Set in Theni district, Kozhippannai Chelladurai is a heartwarming drama that follows the unbreakable bond between siblings Chelladurai (Egan) and Jayasudha (Sathya) as they face life’s hardships after a devastating tragedy.
Supported by their uncle Periyasamy (Yogi Babu), who has been their constant guide since childhood, the film, directed by Seenu Ramasamy, explores themes of family, sacrifice, and the enduring resilience of strong familial ties.
122 Minutes